
computer with learning achievements

Online Training – The Benefits to Individuals

The increase in popularity of online training is no coincidence. The statistics don’t lie. Holding formal training events is a great way to get people engaged, but that’s not the only option. Many of those who are looking to enhance their learn-ing and development are turning to online training to make this happen. This week,…


Soft skills – Why They’re Important for Business Success

Soft skills, also known as ‘people’ skills, are vital in the business world. The term ‘soft skills’ refers to those skills and attributes that influence how well a person can work and interact with others. They vary from teamwork, communication and negotiation, to things like time-management, problem-solving and working under pressure. They’re broad, and span…

Becoming a Top-Class Business Negotiator

Negotiation: ‘The process of discussing something with someone in order to reach an agreement’. It’s an integral part of business mechanics, and your proficiency at negotiating can ultimately dictate how successful your career will be. Many negotiations are relatively minor. Others may have major consequences – financial or otherwise. Whatever’s at stake, it’s important to…

Why Team Building Matters

Team building exercises often conjure up images of employees awkwardly psyching themselves up for a ‘trust fall’ onto a colleague they barely know. But rest assured, modern team building techniques are somewhat different. Times have changed. And with it, so has the makeup of team building exercises. We’re now firmly in the world of more …